Contact Information

WeChooseLocal makes it easy to find what you want locally, with the convenience of shopping 24/7 with next day delivery.


42 Carden St Guelph ON N1H 3A2

Phone Number


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To buy products from our store, you can simply search for your desired item(s) or alternatively browse through categories, list of stores or shop pages, add items to your cart, and proceed to checkout as a guest. You can choose from various payment options available to complete your purchase securely. For a more personalized shopping experience, you can create an account and get access to exclusive offers, and save all your WCL data in one place.

Registration delays can occur due to various reasons such as verification processes or technical issues. Please allow up to X days for your registration to be processed. If it takes longer than expected, please contact our support team with your registration details for further assistance.

To cancel your order, please log in to your account, go to your order history, and find the specific order you wish to cancel. Click on the “Cancel Order” button and follow the prompts to confirm the cancellation. If you encounter any issues, please contact our customer support for assistance.
Note: You can only cancel an order within 3 hours of placing it.

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